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Not for the fainthearted...

Getting through the early days as a first time mom can have its moments ~ You are 'it' and there is no turning back. I was only a little bit certain that I could do this new thing, be a mother while never ever having been one. Exhaustion can give rise to massive doubt and at times I could only know that getting through this newness was possible because so many others went through it and survived. And so did their babies. There is much well meaning parenting advice out there however it is really through the doing, day in and day out, slowly recognizing your baby's patterns and cues, where your confidence grows. It's also the face to face encouragement from a seasoned parent that eases your tension, letting you know that what you are going through is perfectly normal and that you are really doing a good job, in spite of your doubts. May there be an opportunity in this culture for parents to get to know their new children, not just for the first 6 weeks of life or the first few weeks after adoption. May there be space in everyone's life to encourage those around us. We all need each other.

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